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Introduction of Basic Keyboard Notes
Generally in music, beats are represented by notes. There are several kinds of notes and each received a different value or number of beats.
The keyboard is made up of white keys and black keys. Black keys are in groups of two and three.

The Full note [Represent as Full Step].
A whole step is a jump of two half steps. From C to D is a whole step.

The Half note. [Represent as Half Step].
In keyboard some half steps go from a black note to a white note (or a white note to a black note), while others go from a white note to another white note. A half step is the distance from one note to its nearest neighbor. These are all half steps.
The half step is a jump to nex key. From C to C# (The symbol # is pronounced “sharp.”) It means move one half step to the right.

Double Sharps and Double Flat –
Double Sharp means move two half steps to the right. For example, the note D can in some situations be called Cx (C double sharp).The symbol x is pronounced “double sharp.”
Double Flat means move two half steps to the left. For example, the note D can in some situations be called Ebb (E double flat).