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Introduction of Basic Keyboard Notes

Generally in music, beats are represented by notes. There are several kinds of notes and each received a different value or number of beats.

The keyboard is made up of white keys and black keys. Black keys are in groups of two and three.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-piano-used-by-a-person-using-2-fingers-164737/

The Full note [Represent as Full Step].

A whole step is a jump of two half steps. From C to D is a whole step.


The Half note. [Represent as Half Step].

In keyboard some half steps go from a black note to a white note (or a white note to a black note), while others go from a white note to another white note. A half step is the distance from one note to its nearest neighbor. These are all half steps.

The half step is a jump to nex key. From C to C# (The symbol # is pronounced “sharp.”) It means move one half step to the right.


Double Sharps and Double Flat –

Double Sharp means move two half steps to the right. For example, the note D can in some situations be called Cx (C double sharp).The symbol x is pronounced “double sharp.”

Double Flat means move two half steps to the left. For example, the note D can in some situations be called Ebb (E double flat).

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