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Soundproofing installation reducing noise signal


Reducing noise signal with sound proof wall is the arrangement to listen effectively in a noisy environment it is important to extract the relevant information from the background noise which is a significant problem for hearing impaired people. In environments with background noise the hearing aid will amplify the noise as well as the desired signal. Due to room reverberation the hearing aid will also amplify signals that are reflected against the walls, ceiling, floor, and other objects in the room. There are various method soundproofing installation reducing noise.

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ADSR effect

What is Envelop & ADSR

The envelop of a sound describes the way the amplitude varies over time. How it gets louder & softer overtime. The envelop is mostly divided into 4 sections – Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release. Combinedly named ADSR. Together, they make up the ADSR envelope. An ADSR envelope determines how a sound unfolds over time.

adsr affect
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Reverb effect on sound


Photo by Bruno Bueno from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-dj-managing-music-on-music-console-in-studio-3906681/

Reverb is created when a sound is reflected causing numerous reflections to build up and then decay as the sound is absorbed by the surfaces of objects in the space with every surface—hard, soft, tall, short and everything in between. Without that sense of space sounds often seem unnatural, thin, or hollow. Reverb effect creates a variation in music.

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What is sound wave

Air particles do not travel in any motion. They oscillate around a point in space. The rate of this oscillation is known as the frequency of the sound wave and is denoted in cycles per second (cps) or hertz (Hz). The amount of compression/rarefaction of the air is the amplitude of the it.

Sound  is a vibration that generates an acoustic wave. The distance between consecutive peaks of compression or rarefaction is the wavelength of the sound wave (denoted by λ). Fast traveling wave results on a greater λ

Photo by Jerson Vargas from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-sound-waves-on-a-computer-screen-4765390/
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Synthesizer Sequencer Sampler

Introduction – Synthesizer Sequencer Sampler

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-playing-keyboard-synthesizer-7096811/

As Musicians, Producers, Audio Engineers you should know about the basic different between Sampler , synthesizer . During music porduction If you grab a synth instead of a sampler, the output result may give you the ugly sound. Below we are discussing about the relation or differentiation between Synthesizer, Sequencer and Sampler. First you will get brief introduction of the three.

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