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What is Pitch ?

Sound is created by vibrations. In music world , all musical instruments creates different type of sound wave vibration. The Pitch is the frequency of sound wave vibrations and measured in hertz  (abbreviated Hz).

Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time. In other word , the total number of vibrations or oscillations made by the particles per unit time is called the Wave Frequency.

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Time Stretch

TimeStretching, is the process to modify or undo & redo tempo when pitch is unaffected. It can be used to remarkably slow down or speed up an Audio Event.

TimeStretch has three parameters –

  1. tempo (You need to adjust the speed of sample without effecting pitch)
  2. pitch (You need to adjust the speed of sample without effecting the tempo)
  3. sample rate (You need to change the sample rate that effect both tempo and pitch)
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What is the concept of Digital signal processing (DSP)?

Digital signal processing is still a new technology and is rapidly developing. Basically DSP is the representation of a signal by a sequence of numbers. Analog Devices has a broad selection of processors for a wide variety of applications

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How to Develop a VST Plugin

Before you start a new VST Plugin design, you must understand the following technology.

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