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Indian Raga – An Insight Into The Musical Genius Of The East


Indian classical music uses ragas as melodic frameworks for improvisation, similar to melodic modes. “Raga” is an old ancient Sanskrit word that means passion and colour. There are certain rules that govern Raga compositions, and it is characterized by a melodic structure made up of certain notes. Despite its central position in classical Indian music, the raga does not have a direct translation to classical European music. Traditionally, ragas are composed by a melodic soloist with a drum and a drone as accompaniment. Among the most popular instruments are the sitar, tabla, and tanpura or tempura. An Arohana and Avrohana is a scale for an ascending and descending form of a raga.

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Best Music Genre For Every Mood


The best music genre for every mood is something that everyone has an opinion on. When you think about it, there are so many different types of music – and even more sub-categories – that it’s impossible to say which one is best for any situation. We all have those days when we wake up and feel like listening to music. But there are some moments when you need a specific genre of music for a specific mood. It may sound weird but according to some research, the type of music that plays in our ears can actually affect our mood. Whether it’s a fast beat or soft piano notes, certain types of songs can help calm us down, while others can get us pumped up for action.

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black and white round illustration


black and white round illustration


black and white round illustration


black and white round illustration


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The 5 Most Famous Musical Theories


a person playing piano
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Musical theory is a complex subject that has been debated by musicians for centuries. However, there are five theories that have been so popular, so important and so influential throughout the history of music that they have stood out from the rest.

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What is the concept of Mukhda & Antara in Indian Music?

Mukhda & Antara

Indian classical or Dhrupad music can be structured into main four parts. They are Mukhda, Antara, Sanchari & Abhog. But not every song is necessary to be parted into these four segments. Sometimes we can find two main parts in a song called Mukhuda & Antara.

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How To Make Syncopation In Music

Introduction the term Syncopation


Syncopation in Music by definition is the amending or moving the normal accent, generally, it is caused due by stressing the normally unaccented beats. It is a temporary alteration of the regular metrical accent in music caused typically by stressing the weak beat. It’s the concept of playing rhythms that emphasize the offbeats. It shifts or displaces a normal rhythm by stressing beats generally not stressed.

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