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MPE Controller Technology: Enhancing Your Music Production


MPE controllers offer even greater creative freedom than MIDI keyboards, which have been used by music producers for years. We will explore whether software music production will continue to be transformed by MPE controllers in the future, including their potential to change musical approaches. MPE Controller technology can enhance your music production, so read on!

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RIFF: A Beginner’s Guide to This Important Element of Music

What is a riff in music?


Have you ever heard a song and noticed the same catchy melody or phrase repeating throughout it? That’s what we call a riff in music. A riff is a short musical phrase that is repeated throughout a piece of music, typically as part of the main melody. It’s an important element of music that can help to give the song its overall identity and make it memorable. 

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Love Songs: Mathematical Formula For Creating

Love songs have been around for centuries and continue to captivate audiences around the world. Love songs are one of the most popular genres of music and for good reason. They evoke emotions, tell stories, and can even be used to express feelings that words alone cannot. But what is the secret behind a great love song?  Is there a mathematical formula that can be used to create the perfect one? 

Create Love Songs
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The Benefits of Dynamic Processing in Music Production

Dynamic processing is an important part of music production, and it can be used to create unique sounds and effects. Plugintutor presents a blog on the benefits of dynamic processing in music production, discussing how it can be used to enhance the sound of your tracks.

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Soundproof Home Studio for Recording

Soundproof Home Studio for Recording

For any musicians, voice actors, screen actors, and podcasters they must have a Soundproof room which is useful for recording audio at home. There are various ways to soundproof your room to turn it into a suitable home recording studio.

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