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How Mathematical Theories Create Beautiful Melodies

Music is a science, but it is often looked at as an art. The study of music, and the patterns that make up the melodies, is an interesting field. There are many aspects to it, but one of the most fascinating is how mathematical patterns are often used in creating beautiful melodies.

How Mathematical Theories Create Beautiful Melodies
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-writing-on-a-sheet-music-6671422/
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What you need to know about analog dirt

What is analog dirt?

#analog recording

Analog dirt is the distortion that results from the physical limitations of analog recording media. It is a type of noise that is introduced when a signal is transferred to a medium with a lower resolution. then the original. This noise manifests itself as a crackling, hiss, background buzz, or hum. Dirt is produced by electrical and mechanical components of the recording hardware and other physical sources such as vibrations in the room, microphone movement, and humidity changes due to weather.

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The Power and Beauty of the Contralto Voice in Music

The contralto voice is the lowest sounding female voice type. When most people think of female singers, they think of sopranos or mezzo-sopranos with their high, clear voices. But the contralto voice is just as powerful and beautiful, albeit in a different way.

Belting vocal technique
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EQ frequencies and their effects on the human body

This article will provide an overview of EQ frequencies and their effects on the human body. As we all know Frequency is the measurement of the number of sound vibrations in one second. Measured in hertz (Hz),  ear can hear a wide range of frequencies, from very low (20 Hz) to very high (20,000 Hz).

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What It Takes To Choose The Best Audio Cables

USB MIDI interface

Audio cables are the links between your sound source and your amplifier. They are the one that carries all the information from your sound source to your amplifier. The sound quality will depend on how good the audio cables are.

There are many different types of audio cables in the market, but not all of them will be suitable for you. For example, if you want to use a long cable, then you need to make sure that it is shielded or has a twisted pair design. You also need to be careful about what type of connectors it has on both ends as well as its length and gauge.

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