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EQ frequencies and their effects on the human body


This article will provide an overview of EQ frequencies and their effects on the human body. As we all know Frequency is the measurement of the number of sound vibrations in one second. Measured in hertz (Hz),  ear can hear a wide range of frequencies, from very low (20 Hz) to very high (20,000 Hz).

The human brain operates on a number of different frequencies, each controlling different functions. The first frequency is known as the Delta frequency, which falls between 0 and 4 cycles per second (Hz). This frequency is associated with deep sleep and dreaming. The next frequency is known as the Theta frequency, which falls between 4 and 8 Hz. This frequency is associated with deep meditation or light sleep states such as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep that occurs during dreaming.

The next frequency is known as Alpha, which falls between 8 and 12 Hz. This state of consciousness is associated with calmness or relaxation. The last one we will talk about in this article is Beta, which falls between 12 and 18 Hz. This state of consciousness is associated with focus, determination, and mental acuity. When you are asleep, Delta waves occur at frequencies between 0 to 4 Hz.

In stable and conscious mind  the human can hear a voice if the frequency is in between 20 to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). In general conversation, the basic frequency of a typical adult man ranges from 80 to 180 Hz and that of a typical adult woman from 165 to 255 Hz.

The combination of frequencies—and their amplitudes—that are present in a sound is called its spectrum.

frequency spectrum

  • Bass: Lows 60 – 250Hz
  • Mids: Low Mids 500 – 2000Hz
  • Highs: Treble or Highs 2 – 4kHz

When these range is not heard accurately, instruments and the vocal sound unnatural. Generally the music is lacking depth in instruments or voice that cuase due to problem of in the lower midrange frequency.

EQ frequencies and their effects on the human body

In  vocal play a measure role for all singers and vocal cords always differ between male singer and female singer. Generally women vocal chords are shorter than men’s vocal cords. As a result, they vibrate comparatively faster per second than men’s do, resulting in a higher-frequency sound.

During vocal recording we can found the missing keynotes and noise of the room which need to be harmonic during editing. EQ play a major role to adjust and correct all these unwanted up and down frequencies.  The EQ vocal “Low Cut” which is basic setup to remove lower frequency.

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