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Music Editing in DAW

Tempo pitch-Music Editing in DAW
In music production , Audio editing is one of the most important processes after Recording. It is the manipulation of recorded audio files in a musical arrangement, film soundtrack or broadcast. Any Multi track software packages like DAW gives us the freedom to manipulate the audio, which has been recorded. Editing creates the perfection with the new age editing software. Music editing in DAW is essential in this modern music making industry.
Features of Music Editing in DAW
In editing two important features mostly used Pitch correction and Time stretch–
1.Pitch Editing/ Pitch Correction
By first detecting the pitch of an audio signal by the use of a pitch detection algorithm, then calculates the desired change and modifies the audio signal accordingly. In audio software you can changes the highness or lowness in pitch of an audio signal or the recorded music so that all pitches will be notes from the equally tempered system.
Pitch editing are commonly used in music studios to add the sound of vocal harmony to earlier recorded music or phrases without re-recording those lines again at the necessary pitches. So, pitch editing speeds up the recording process.
It allows recording engineers to create a perfectly music performance from an unskilled vocalist. So, it can create dishonesty.
In 1970’s Eventide Harmonizer H49 was the first de-
Antares Audio Technology’s was introduced Auto-Tune Pitch Correcting Plug-In. Celemony’s Direct Note Access and Melodyne other two new age pitch editing algorithm. Pitch editing is common feature in digital audio editing software.
In market best Pitch Editing Software –
- Izotope’s Nectar 3 Production Suite.
- Soundtrap Online DAW (Built In Antares).
- Antares Auto-Tune EFX.
2.Time Editing
It is the built-in functions in majority of DAW. Cut-out certain notes, and paste them back on beat is the time editing method. Time stretching is the method of changing the speed or duration of an recorded music while the pitch should remain same.
The Time Stretch function allows to change the length of a selected piece of audio keeping the pitch unaltered. It can be used on whole of a song or part of it. Tempo-matching a pre-recorded loop to the Project. Time Stretch function can also be effective as a corrective tool. Time Stretch function can also be a great tool for creating special effects, as part of a sound design process.
Following example is showing a classic example of changing Tempo without Pitch change.
In our next post check about Audio Mixing, the last part of Music Production in DAW.