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The Ultimate Guide To Dictaphone In Recording

Brief introduction of dictaphone in audio recording

Dictaphone is the absolute audio hands-free voice recorder for anyone looking to record a memo or notes. Alexander Graham Bell has invented dictaphone machines. This audio recording app commands notes and memos, day-to-day sounds & podcasts. No handwritten notes are needed whether audio recording everyday music or a critical memo with the use of speech. Here, we will discuss dictaphone in recording process.

dictaphone in recording
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How to make Good Sound? An influencer in Four Easy Steps

What do you mean by Good Sound?

Studio monitor

Recording music is a subjective process. Everyone likes to be unique. Musicians are generally trying to recreate something that they hear and blend it with their imagination using the tools they have on hand. With any music genre or style, there are always certain parameters people try to capture in order for their instruments to sound good.

Recording audio or amplifying sound for a live performance, the quality of the sound will be noticed at first. Your popularity in the music world will be depending upon whether the sound is good or bad. Your brand credibility will be higher with the good sound as well as will bring more followers.

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Music Compression

Music Compressors are one of the most important tools for audio production and mixing. Music compression is the process of reducing a signal’s dynamic range.  There are quite a few buttons on a compressor and knowing what each of these buttons does and how they work together is an important way to understand how to use compression effectively.

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How To Make Syncopation In Music

Introduction the term Syncopation


Syncopation in Music by definition is the amending or moving the normal accent, generally, it is caused due by stressing the normally unaccented beats. It is a temporary alteration of the regular metrical accent in music caused typically by stressing the weak beat. It’s the concept of playing rhythms that emphasize the offbeats. It shifts or displaces a normal rhythm by stressing beats generally not stressed.

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Digital Sheet Music & it’s importance

Introduction of Paper Sheet Music


Some years back music lessons or making music both have been dependent upon some sheet of paper. Where the beautiful songs use to be written, played & created magic. Sheet music is a handwritten or printed form of musical notation that uses musical symbols to indicate the pitches, rhythms, or chords of a song or instrumental musical piece. But in our today’s blog, we will discuss Digital sheet music.

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Online Mixing And Mastering




Mikes Mix Master


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