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Recording sound in DAW in today’s music making

Record Music

Prelude of Recording sound in DAW

A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device, or software application that is compatible to use for complete sound creation. It is the software hub that Record, Edit & Mix the entire song, just on the computer. Sound Recording is the beginning of the creation of any type of music project. Since way back in the 90’s, when home recording first started, started the use of DAW rapidly. It allows to record in synth, edit the recorded one also helps to add numerous of other instruments.

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ADSR effect

What is Envelop & ADSR

The envelop of a sound describes the way the amplitude varies over time. How it gets louder & softer overtime. The envelop is mostly divided into 4 sections – Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release. Combinedly named ADSR. Together, they make up the ADSR envelope. An ADSR envelope determines how a sound unfolds over time.

adsr affect
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Reverb effect on sound


Photo by Bruno Bueno from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-dj-managing-music-on-music-console-in-studio-3906681/

Reverb is created when a sound is reflected causing numerous reflections to build up and then decay as the sound is absorbed by the surfaces of objects in the space with every surface—hard, soft, tall, short and everything in between. Without that sense of space sounds often seem unnatural, thin, or hollow. Reverb effect creates a variation in music.

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MIDI Keyboard connectivity methods

What is a MIDI Keyboard

It is just a piano style electronic device which is simply looks like normal keyboard that
transmits and receives midi information, it can’t built any sound in itself, so an extra source which can be a computer,a sound module or MIDI enabled hardware instrument needs to be attach to create the sound or the music. MIDI Keyboard connectivity is a major aspect to consider.

Photo by Paul Deetman from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-electronic-keyboard-2960891/
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Which is better – A MIDI Keyboard or A Normal Keyboard?

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-piano-minor-keys-164922/

In production of music which type of instrument is better A MIDI Keyboard or just A
Keyboard is an interesting topic to argue. Before going into the conclusion let’s analyse
both the Keyboards.

MIDI Keyboard

is just a piano style electronic device which is simply looks like normal keyboard that transmits and receives midi information, it can’t built any sound in itself, so an extra source which can be a computer,a sound module or MIDI enabled hardware instrument needs to be attach to create the sound or the music. It helps to activate or set off sound from any module or a sound card.

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Online Mixing And Mastering




Mikes Mix Master


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