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QuickScore Elite Level II



QuickScore Elite Level II is Sion Software’s premier software for creating notation, recording & composing music in an elegant way.  Piano, Piano and Solo Instrument, Organ, Choir, Band, Orchestra and a bunch more QuickScore’s score templates are available. integrated scoring, audio, and sequencing program that Electronic Magazine awarded their 1998 Editors’ Choice for notation software since its incorporation. Also won the Top Ten Reviews Gold Award for successively five years.

Tuning is the most pivotal factor of this software. Edit the audio, like traditional audio-editing software. Erase icon, is an easy way to eradicate unwanted notes. Selection a single note or a bunch of notes, the Edit menu automatically appears, giving access to 50+ editing options. Share compositions as MusicXML or MIDI files, making them easy to share with any collaborators or musicians.


  • Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP.
  • 512 MB RAM.
  • 200 MB hard disk space.
  • A Windows-compatible sound card or MIDI interface is optional.


  • Editing available up to 48 tracks. It includes smart edit filters, Loop editing for Score, Piano Roll, Controller, Audio, Event List, Song, Track Sheet, MIDI Mixer, Audio Mixer, and Comments. Complete control over all MIDI events.
  • Real-time and step-time recording or recording while tapping tempo from MIDI keyboard • Multi-track digital audio recording at up to 192 kHz sampling rate and 24-bit resolution • MIDI from audio files • Real-time 16 channel MIDI mixer controls which respond to all MIDI controllers, including volume and velocity.
  • High-quality playback through MIDI, VSTi instruments, and all popular sound cards with synchronized window display. Repeats, first and second endings, dynamics, pedal markings, articulations, tempo markings, quarter and microtones, chord names, and tablature chords play. Play standard WAVE digital audio files • Track Sheet to mute or solo tracks and change sounds.
  • Music Notation is available up to 48 staves. Independently adjust the characteristics of a song title, track name, headers, footers, copyright information, 7 sets of lyrics, 8 sets of text, bar, and page numbers. Full user control over drum notation display. Automatic accompaniment generation. Automatic chord and guitar grid generation.
  • Various music custom symbols are available including groupings, fingerings, articulations, slurs, repeats, crescendos, decrescendos, dynamics, line, circle, and box drawing.  Grace notes and cue notes with automatic beaming. Configurable chord names, guitar chord grids, and figured bass
  • Import and export standard MIDI, XML, NIFF, BMP, MP3 & Wave files

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