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Tag: Bhairavi

The Art Of Thaat: A Complete Guide.

What is a thaat?

There is a scale in Hindustani music which is called a thaat. The thaat is not the same as the Western musical scale, as it is not used as a tool for composition but rather as a basis for the classification of ragas. Not all ragas have to follow a strict compliance with a thaat; for example, a raga said to belong to one thaat may not allow all the thaat’s notes and may require the heptatonic scale. The traditional raga is a form of classical music in North India that consists of ten basic elements or frameworks. The thaats are Bilawal, Kalyan, Khamaj, Bhairav, Poorvi, Marwa, Kafi, Asavari, Bhairavi, and Todi. Many traditional ragas are composed using these ten thaats.


A Simple Guide To Raag Bhairav

The king of morning ragas is Raag Bhairav. This raga stimulates the senses. It is vitally important that Rishabh and Dhaivat in this Raag oscillate, as this energizes the mood in the Raag. It is an Indian classical raga associated with the Bhairav Thaat. In the mornings and as the beginning piece at concerts, it is a sampurna raga that is traditionally performed. It defines the Thaat, or style, that it belongs to. It is helpful to understand how the name “Bhairav” came to be associated with the viciousness of Lord Shiva due to its etymological roots. Bhairav raga is an ancient raga that is considered to be extremely old and originated many centuries ago.

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