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Tag: concert

A complete guide to Musical Oratorio


An oratorio is a large-scale musical composition for voices and orchestra, typically dealing with sacred subjects and intended for concert performance rather than for worship. Oratorios are extended works, usually with three or more movements, and often require a large choir and symphony orchestra. They originated in early Baroque Italy and continue to be popular today.


How to setup live sound concert

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-green-hat-playing-electric-guitar-4088000/

Live in concert! Wow what a concept, what a fun, amazing enjoyment. But do you know how to setup a live sound concert? Big question. At least 500 people to attend the venue, how to reach each one’s ears with a perfect sound system? Now we will discuss on this topic live shows takes various elements, both strategic and technological, into consideration.

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