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Tag: Music genre

The Art Of Jazz: A Beginner’s Guide To Jazz Music.


Jazz music is one of the most popular genres in the world. It has a long history, and its origins can be traced all the way back to New Orleans. There are many different kinds of jazz, but they all have certain elements in common. To fully appreciate what this genre has to offer, you need to understand these basics as well as the differences between each type. So without further ado, let’s jump right into it!


The History Of Rock And Roll In The Infographic

rock and roll

The infographic below takes a look at the evolution of rock and roll. The History of Rock and Roll infographic explores the roots of rock music with some key artists from each decade. It’s been more than 6 decades since Chuck Berry released his first hit song in May 1955, about a month after Elvis Presley recorded his first single for RCA in March of that same year. Since then, hundreds of artists have emerged with unique sounds and styles – some moving on to super stardom while others remain unknown outside of their respective cities or countries.


Best Music Genre For Every Mood


The best music genre for every mood is something that everyone has an opinion on. When you think about it, there are so many different types of music – and even more sub-categories – that it’s impossible to say which one is best for any situation. We all have those days when we wake up and feel like listening to music. But there are some moments when you need a specific genre of music for a specific mood. It may sound weird but according to some research, the type of music that plays in our ears can actually affect our mood. Whether it’s a fast beat or soft piano notes, certain types of songs can help calm us down, while others can get us pumped up for action.

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