A semitone is the distance between a node and its nearest one on a keyboard. It can also be named as half step. Here we know the pitch is the difference between two notes. So semitones can be explained in terms of pitch. Semitones are called the smallest interval in western music. In a 12-note approximately equally divided scale, any interval can be defined in terms of an appropriate number of semitones. They are a whole tone or major second is 2 semitones wide, a major third 4 semitones, and a perfect circle of fifth 7 semitones. The whole tone is just twice the size of a half-step/ semitone.
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Basic Piano Chords for learners

For beginners, we are here to teach some lessons on basic piano chords. There are several types of piano chords including diminished, augmented, major, and minor, but today we’ll only focus on the basics.
Some chords on the piano are more common or easier to play than others. It is essential to songwriting. A chord is playing three or more notes at the same time. There are mainly two types of basic piano chords Major and Minor chords. The major mode represents happy or positive while the minor mode is typically sad and serious. Piano chords are any set of few notes played simultaneously.