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Tag: Studio Monitors

Studio headphone & it’s effect on recording

Music is the art by which the beauty of sound creates the magic called music. But now it needs something more to create music. Recording music goes through an extensive process. Music and technology are now interconnected. We have already discussed Studio Monitors for home recording, in our earlier blog. In our today’s blog, the Studio headphone will be discussed. One of the indispensable parts of any recording studio.


Best Studio Monitors for home recording in market

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/aluminum-audio-close-up-design-373632/

Studio monitors are the loudspeakers enclosures uniquely designed for professional music production applications, like  recording studios, movie recording, TV studios, radio studios or home studios. Monitors are flat and accurate, with minimal distortion. These  are a must for home recording studio to create tracks . It helps to be completely accurate when mixing. There are several different types of monitors which can be sub-divided into 2 broad category, namely – 1. Near-field Monitors & 2. Far-field Monitors.

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