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Tag: thaat

The Khamaj Thaat: A Complete Guide To This Important Indian Music Scale.

The Khamaj thaat is one of the most important thaats in the Indian musical system. It is a parent scale that features five notes, and therefore it is also known as a pentatonic scale. The thaat has been used extensively in compositions by musicians from all over India, but especially in Punjab and Rajasthan. 

What is Khamaj thaat?

The Khamaj thaat is an Indian music scale. It is a parent scale of several other thaat including the popular Marwa and Bhairavi thaats, but it is not used as much as them in Hindustani classical music. By replacing the Shuddha Nishad of Bilaval with the Komal Nishad, you can obtain the Khamaj Thaat. Ragas such as this are typically sung in light classical forms, such as thumris, tappas, horis, and kajri.


The Art Of Thaat: A Complete Guide.

What is a thaat?

There is a scale in Hindustani music which is called a thaat. The thaat is not the same as the Western musical scale, as it is not used as a tool for composition but rather as a basis for the classification of ragas. Not all ragas have to follow a strict compliance with a thaat; for example, a raga said to belong to one thaat may not allow all the thaat’s notes and may require the heptatonic scale. The traditional raga is a form of classical music in North India that consists of ten basic elements or frameworks. The thaats are Bilawal, Kalyan, Khamaj, Bhairav, Poorvi, Marwa, Kafi, Asavari, Bhairavi, and Todi. Many traditional ragas are composed using these ten thaats.

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