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Top Striking Ideas For Your Outstanding Songwriting

Beginners are often curious about how to write a song in order to make original music.

During this blog, you will get to know the basic tools and techniques of songwriting. The following song writing tips will help you get your message across and stay involved from the start to the end of your music videos, TV shows, and commercials. Of course, you’ll have to modify it for your specific audience. It can be challenging to create a song that combines memorable melodies with ingenious lyrics. Even seasoned lyricists experience writer’s block at times, and there are many approaches to composing a song.


The only thing you need is some basic knowledge of a melody instrument like a guitar or piano, an idea, and the proper methodology. As long as you know how to generate lyrics, how to write music, and how to adapt the music to the world around you, you are ready to go!  You will work through some fundamental aspects of the process, building your knowledge as you go along. You will also be able to write your own song by the end of the course.

Songwriting Tips

 Step 1 Initiate with the title – Starting with a title will help you stay focused on a single idea in your song. Create a phrase of one to six words that sums up the heart of what you want to say. Or look for an interesting phrase that suggests a situation or emotion to you. Try using an image in your title to give it more interest or an action word to give it energy. For more tips on writing a song

Step 2: Lyrics matter – After deciding the Title of the song then decide the feeling and concept for e.g. if it’s a sad song or a happy song. This will help you to choose the appropriate words to write a song. Try to use simple and understandable words for your lyrics.

If you are writing an Indian classical song then you must be well aware of Mukhuda [ Face of Song ] and the Antara [ Middle part of Song]. And your lyrics should contain these parts to make well structured.

Step 3-  Record instantly when inspiration strikes – Inspiration is the most important step of any creative venture, it may come from any favorite music or past experiences of life, any type of art, or a specific musical genre. Only a free and artistic mind can be inspired anytime any moment.

Record the music instantly when you get the inspiration. It doesn’t mean you need your DAW on your instrument, recording sketches of ideas is a must. Making a record of it will help you remember it, or develop it into something with more potential later.

Step 4: Song Structure – The main 3 song structural factors are – Verse, Chorus, Bridge. , Analyze the chord structures of your favorite songs. Join melodies and lyrics together. Do you want your final chorus to include a bridge? Look at the concepts more thoroughly and add connections.

Step 5: Chord Progression – Melody and Chorus can be accompanied by chords. Make chord patterns that repeat quickly. Vary melody and chord patterns until you are happy with them. I recommend singing or humming your way through the chord progression. Perhaps you could add some music to the background.

Step 6: Record a demo – It may be best to start with a guitar/vocal combination. Or, sing over an existing track. In the beginning, your song does not need to be perfect, just a beginning. A great song is not about perfection, but progress.

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