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What is CaelumAudio FluxPro?

With this issue free FluxMini CMplugin, you’ll be warmed up to CaelumAudio’s graph-based modulation system. FluxPro (VST3, AU, AAX, and iOS) gives it a big upgrade. It offers ten modulation effects spread across four effects lots in a new multi-effects modulation plugin. With a new interface and a frequency analyzer, you can customize three user-configurable modulation curves (A, Band C). 115 pre-sets are also provided. As with internal MIDI communication, features are somewhat dependent on the DAW. Additional features include the control voltage graph output for sending to external hardware and the MIDI CC output for controlling other plugins.

What is CaelumAudio FluxPro?

A typical FluxPro effect range consists of two filtering, two delays, a phaser, chorus/flanger, width, and ring modulation. Pan and gain are also included in the utility module. The interface displays two of the four modules.

It’s default mode is for FluxPro to be triggered by DAW playback. In addition to MIDI options, there are two MIDI options in the MenuBar. Retrigger allows you to manually restart curve playback by using a MIDI note, while One-Shot plays all three curves one-by-one. Every modulation curve can also be output as MIDICC with FluxPro. A, B, and C curves are selectable via the menu, and the MIDI channel can be chosen for each. MIDI can also be routed between plugins with FluxPro, which can be used as a Virtual MIDI Device in MacOSX. Your DAW’s specific MIDI plugin control scheme must be followed, however, as with all MIDI plugins.

Also, the width option can be used in conjunction with Haas and Shu parameters to achieve both subtle and extreme wobble effects. To create a more destructive vibe, both RingModulation and RateModulation are available. Additionally, Gain includes a utility module that allows you to create every convincing sidechain compression effect. A rapidly growing library of plugins is being built by Caelumare. There has never been anything like FluxPro to date, it’s powerful, creative, and extremely powerful.

The 20 filter styles include some tasty ladder types with Drive and three Formant options. As the main delay is also capable of conjuring some tasty effects with Glide, Feedforward, and Feedback. A second Delay module is also available, which is non-feedback and corresponds to a curve. Time-bending sounds are created by this more focused design. Also, the Width effect offers both subtle and extreme wobble effects when it combines Haas and Shuffle parameters. It’s impossible to go wrong with either Ring Modulation or Rate Modulation when you’re seeking a more destructive vibe. Furthermore, a Utility module with Gain makes it easier to create very convincing sidechains.

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