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World music day 2021

World music day 2021

In this pandemic we have seen in hospitals, medical practitioners have been adopted a unique technique of remedy music therapy. We knew without music the life will become monotonous. But now we realized more and more how important music can be to live life. Music heals. Music rejuvenate broken and disturbed life like today’s.

Likewise, 21st June is one of the vital days of our life. World music day or The Fête de la musique in French, we can call it anyway. The importance lies the same. The day is for all musicians, all music lovers rather than all people.

The day was first celebrated in 1982. To encourage all the musicians, in France it has been initiated. In this pandemic, we have realized more and more the value of the creative arts. Music reduces stress, provides better sleep, and helps us to keep going. Countries like India, Italy, Australia, the United States, Japan, China, Malaysia celebrate Music Day.

Prior to the pandemic, on this very day, the musicians were allowed to move outside to perform on road without any prohibitions. Now from the last year, the celebration became virtual. Many music organizations and companies are organizing online concerts, competitions today.

This year music day is celebrated with world yoga day. Both the way the world will become more and more stress-free, relieved from the negative thinking. The team of Plugintutor is here to wish all the viewer’s happy music day. Create music, enjoy life. Rock the world musically.

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