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Yangqin – The Chinese Dulcimer


What is Yangqin?

Yangqin is an instrument that originated in Central Asia but got prominence in China. But few theories are there to oppose the fact that it had been invented by the Chinese solely without any foreign influence. Some research discovered the instrument may have been introduced by land, through the Silk route, or by sea, through the port of Guangzhou (Canton). Yangqin is the hammered dulcimer. It is played by hitting strings with a pair of bamboo mallets, the size of a chopstick. Models vary in size, range, and quality. They usually include an ornate folding stand. It is also sometimes called the “Chinese piano”. It is having slightly over 4 octaves.

Construction of Yangqin

The hammered dulcimer constructed with four main parts stated below –


It consists of maximum of 144 strings. The strings influence the pitch.


On a Yangqin, there are four to five bridges, from right to left they are called a bass bridge, right bridge, tenor bridge, left the bridge, and the chromatic bridge. During playing, one is supposed to strike the strings on the left side of the bridges. However, the strings on the “chromatic bridge” are struck on the right, and strings on the “left bridge” can be struck on both sides of the bridge. The bridge peak that supports each group of strings helps create tension so that striking the strings produce a note.


One of the main parts is the hammer, which is made of flexible bamboo and one end is half covered by rubber. Rubber side for a softer sound, and with the bamboo side for a crisper, strong sound.

Cylindrical nuts

On both sides, numerous cylindrical metal Nuts can be moved for fine-tuning the strings or to raise the strings slightly to eliminate unwanted vibrations that may occur.


Yangqin’s range is slightly over four octaves. The range covers one octave below middle C and two and a half octaves above it. The Yangqin like North American dulcimers is capable of producing not only single notes but also chords and quick arpeggios. The pitches on the opposite sides of the treble bridge are a perfect fifth apart. If the lowest string is tuned to the note F2 and the highest to A6. It’s the pattern. The yangqin is used both as a solo instrument or as a principal instrument in a Chinese orchestra. This sounding methodology is what gives the yangqin its characteristic reverberating quality.

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